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AGM 2023



Held on: 10 May 2023 at 7 pm

At: St. Edmund's Hall

Apologies were received from: Neil Tarrant

Sanderstead Ward Councillors Lynne Hale, Yvette Hopley and Helen Redfern and Purley Oaks and Riddlesdown Councillors Endri Llabuti and Alasdair Stewart attended the meeting.

The meeting was opened by Brian Longman, RRA Chairman.

Minutes of the previous AGM

The chairman presented the minutes from the last AGM (proposed by Phil Thomas and seconded by John Placek), which were accepted by the meeting:

Action items: No new items.

Treasurers Report overview

The Treasurer John Placek presented the accounts for 2022: Link to accounts

Expenditure – £3,968.34

Income - £405   £400 from membership subscription   

Bank account balances

Woodland Account   £24,722.00  Current account £19,228.45

Actions Completed

Linda Bevin to be removed as signatory on the bank account

John Placek to be added as bank account signatory.

Bank to be advised of new treasurer name and address All completed

New Actions

None recorded

The RRA accounts for 2022 have been audited by Angela Green

Brian proposed that the report be accepted, seconded by Keith Powell

Chairman’s Report

The Chairman Brian Longman gave thanks to the committee, especially John Placek, who has completed his first year as Treasurer. Also Neil Tarrant, who made the Christmas Party great – in fact, so good, it was oversubscribed. It was suggested that the Collegiate be approached as a venue for next time.

John Rapp and Keith Powell were thanked for their work on train and bus issues, and finally Phil Thomas for all his non-stop work on Planning and much more.

That all said, Brian advised that the Committee needed new members – not long ago, there had been 15 members, now there were only 8. Current issues such as planning, and flooding – recently affecting the station and the church hall – needed attention. Brian noted that the new soakaways on highway land had helped the flooding problem, but not solved it.

On a positive note, Brian had met some potential new members during a recent Coronation Street Party.

The City of London Corporation had imposed parking charges for more than two years now on Riddlesdown Common. Brian noted that the Common now seemed very quiet, and that people were avoiding the parking, either by going elsewhere, or by parking for free in nearby streets. The car park, which used to be nearly full, now regularly had four or fewer cars. Revenue for Year 1 (to March 2022) was c. £10k, but for the 12 months to March 2023 was only £5k, which once the operating costs were deducted barely made any money for the Corporation.

The Downs also appeared to be quieter with few people having picnics. It was suggested that a tea-shop or café might help, something which had worked at Whyteleafe (though parking was free there for up to 3 hours). Possibly more publicity was needed.

Brian gave a potted history of the Woodland Fund, and stated that the Green Belt was still a priority for the Association. Other issues included a new mast proposed for Dunmail Drive, where it had been proposed to fell trees with TPOs. There had been campaigns with the Collegiate to reduce littering which could affect the quality of the grass which was harvested for long-horned cattle feed by a tenant farmer on the two fields in Mitchley Ave and Mitchley Hill. Brian concluded by observing that planning issues adjacent to the Green Belt could also have an impact, with unsuitable developments dominating the open landscape.   


Phil Thomas thanked Brian for his 25 years on the Committee and then proposed that he be re-elected as chairman. Keith Powell and Janice Kedwards seconded. Unanimous

Brian nominated John Placek as Treasurer – seconded by John Rapp. Unanimous

Brian nominated Phil Thomas for the post of Vice Chairman, seconded by Keith. Unanimous

Rest of committee voted in en bloc - proposed by John Rapp. Unanimous

Full Committee of elected members

Brian Longman - Chairman & Collegiate Liaison

Phil Thomas - Vice Chairman; Planning & Environmental; Website Editor

John Placek - Treasurer and Data Protection Officer

Berni Munt - Minutes Secretary

John Rapp - Public Transport and Membership

Keith Powell - Public Transport Concerns

Neil Tarrant - Recorder Editor

Janice Kedwards

Jan Powell

Ann Shepherd (new member)

Joyce Boakye-Ansah (new member)

Questions from the floor


Brian talked about the Road Stewards, and the vital role they fulfilled. The two Purley Oaks & Riddlesdown Ward Councillors; Alasdair Stewart and Endri Llabuti, introduced themselves to the audience, as did the three Sanderstead Ward Councillors; Lynne Hale, Helen Redfern and Yvette Hopley.

Cllr Lynne Hale (Deputy Mayor of Croydon) then gave a talk on Croydon’s finances. Their parlous state meant that the Council now had to contemplate selling assets such as the Colonnades, and Davis House, despite a much regretted 15% increase in Council Tax this year. Cllr Hale assured the meeting that this was a one-off, in the sense that it would not be repeated year after year. There were two reports available for residents to read online, these being the Penn report, and the Kroll report.

Any Other Business

A question was asked about the re-opening Purley Pool and this was still a priority for the Council.

In answer to a question, Cllr Lynne Hale advised that the Selsdon Park Hotel had been bought by Birch and an exciting development was underway. The hotel would be high quality and the would be a Michelin star restaurant. However, the golf course was being re-wilded, and ramblers could look forward to seeing cattle, sheep and chickens [and no doubt foxes].

The meeting closed at 8.30pm

Minutes taken by Berni Munt

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